Sat. Mar 1st, 2025

In our first three port of calls we discussed the changing demographics of America, the projected shortfalls and surpluses of the job market in 2030 and how businesses need to adapt to the changing world to ensure continue growth and profitability. We are now headed out to the open sea and cover the vast array of economic sea life and perils found out in the open expanse.

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Our goal here is to monitor economic data from a variety of sources including news from the United States central bank, the Federal Reserve, the US Treasury, the Census, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, public company filings, global information from central banks around the world and of course all that data we can digest from the bond, equities and currency markets. It’s a tall order so we will rely on referencing fellow economic bloggers and contributions from our readers to help carry the load. Economics is about people, and we hope that people who care about economics will come here to form a special community to learn from, share with and grow to better fortunes together.

In upcoming posts, we’ll be taking a hard look at investment opportunities through numerous lenses including our primary core: demographics and their related labor statistics that impact business activity.

All on board the Econonaut!