Thu. Jan 30th, 2025

The state of North Dakota wants to implement state run immigration offices to attract more immigrants to the state to fill the labor shortages.

Tim Mathern, D-Fargo, is sponsoring two proposals that aim to bring more legal immigrants into the fold.

Senate Bill 2142 would create an immigration office within the state Department of Commerce to facilitate the recruitment of foreign health care workers. The Senate Industry and Business Committee held a well-attended hearing for the bill on Tuesday, Jan. 10.

Senate Bill 2151 would create an immigration office within the Bank of North Dakota that broadly encourages the resettlement of refugees and immigrants. The office would also administer an incentive program that offers working immigrants up to $160,000 in forgivable loans if they remain in the state. A hearing has not yet been scheduled for the bill.
Image courtesy: Photo by Greg Bulla on Unsplash

It is an interesting dichotomy when some politicians speak of building walls while simultaneously asking for more immigrant labor to come into the country. Ironically, most of the world is short on labor and the countries that have plentiful labor don’t have the proper education or infrastructure to provide the resource. There is an expression, “dying of thirst in an ocean of water” that seems appropriate to this situation. There are 8 billion people on the planet but we have labor shortages in most of the western world and parts of Asia that have provided most of the global manufacturing.

There will be plenty of profit to be made from these scenarios so stay tuned, stay profitable and stay solvent…