Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

Georgia has a solution to their labor shortages…hire more disabled persons to fill roles. From

People living with intellectual and developmental disabilities say one solution to Georgia’s workforce shortage is to hire them.

In a 2020-2021 report, National Core Indicators found that 54% of Georgians living with a disability want a paid community job, but cannot get one. That’s true even though 30% of them take classes or train to better their chances of gaining employment.

The other solution Georgians are advocating is fixing immigration. From Atlanta Journal Constitution:

During Tuesday’s Capitol visit, immigrant advocates threw their support behind House Bill 131, the “Workforce Development Act,” which seeks to extend tuition rates comparable to in-state tuition to the beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. The program provides relief from deportation to certain unauthorized immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.

Atlanta Journal Constitution

According to NewsNationNow, Georgia is suffering from “Georgia’s Teachers Dropout Crisis” where 3 of 10 teachers are expected to leave the profession over the next few years. With millions of boomers retiring over the same time, it may be a mega disaster for Georgia’s educational system over the next few years.

Stay tuned, stay profitable and stay solvent…