Sun. Mar 2nd, 2025

After spending some time researching defensive investments to protect against inflation, we have accumulated small positions in these equities.

2021 Defensive Stocks

Ticker Industry Dividend P/E
XOM Energy 5.80%
BP Energy 4.82% 14
ET Energy 6.92% 5
ABBV Pharmaceuticals 4.89% 28
GILD Pharmaceuticals 4.06% 12
SWM Industrial 5.44% 20
ILPT REIT – Industrial 5.76% 15
TWO REIT – MBS 11.26% 5
VZ Telecomm 4.97% 10

If and when there are major pullbacks in the stock market, we will add to our positions in some or all of these equities in addition to some other items on our watch list.

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These investments tie back into our defensive stocks reasoning which we discussed in an earlier post. We want to be invested in stocks that offer dividends, potential growth, stability, diversified products and global customer base as well as the ability to trade options so we can buy protective puts or sell covered calls for additional income.

Stay tuned….

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