Thu. Jan 30th, 2025

We don’t think the world will be the same after Covid-19. There have been fundamental re-thinking of the supply chain and how things are manufactured, shipped and distributed to their final destination. has a great summary of some of the fundamental changes we’ve been tracking ourselves.

From clogged shipping ports, massive inflation, shortages, demand for more real estate space, and more, the Stacker article is fairly comprehensive and we suggest you give it a look.

In this new world order, companies need to become more adaptive and companies with manufacturing facilities need to re-think how they will operate in a world with endemic Covid. We have been studying companies that are re-thinking their supply chain and keeping an eye on their success. The new world is a bit of a gamble and there is always uncertainty in the future but we will need to invest in the winners and reap the rewards.

Image courtesy:

Stay tuned and stay solvent.