Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

We compiled our crash chart comparisons on SPY, QQQ and XHB for the end of the year. Let’s take a look. First up SPY: SPY Crash Comparisons

And QQQ: QQQ Crash Comparisons

And last XHB: XHB Crash Comparisons

XHB appears to be poised to start a long plunge over the next 12 months and we hope that happens on cue because we still hold put option positions for January 2024 $55 strikes. From January 3, 2023 there will be approximately 274 trading days until January 19, 2024. The Fed is still hiking interest rates, the latest housing data suggests sales have been abysmal and companies are increasing their layoffs.

Stay tuned, stay profitable, and stay solvent…

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