Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

For 2023, our investment strategy has changed slightly. Given the Fed’s December meeting minutes indicated the Fed has no intention of lowering interest rates in 2023, we feel it prudent to take advantage of the generous rates T-bills are paying right now.

The latest 17-week T-bill auction resulted in a high rate of 4.570 percent. We bought the 17-week T-bill and we will be building a ladder strategy buying up 17-week T-bill every week. If you need some help with this investment strategy, our favorite bond Youtuber Jennifer from Diamond NestEgg can give you some primer.

Youtube: Diamond NestEgg Laddering T-Bills

We expect rates to peak in 2023 so at some point, we’ll be laddering 20 year bonds to lock in a 4%+ yield for the long term on some of our investment funds.

Stay tuned, stay profitable and stay solvent…

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