Boomer Consequences: Pilots, Truckers, Nursing and More…Shortages
Unless you have been living under a rock, you should be aware of an acute nurse shortage largely caused by Covid these past two years but the problem existed years…
Unless you have been living under a rock, you should be aware of an acute nurse shortage largely caused by Covid these past two years but the problem existed years…
The future of hourly wages for many workers seem to be moving up. T-mobile recently announced that it would raise minimum wage to $20/hour. Earlier in the year, Bank of…
In the not too distant future, we think “It’s the boomers stupid” will become the cliche of the day. In 1992, James Carville came up with a similar phrase, “It’s…
If you read our recent depressing post about the general direction of wages, explosive costs of health insurance, health care, education, housing and en mass boomer retirements, then you would…
We wrote about our speculative ventures into some alternative drug stocks a few weeks ago in part because the world’s acceptance to alternative medicines is changing day by day. We…
In order to build a resilient investment portfolio, we wanted to understand the trends over the past five years in healthcare so we turned to Census data and picked up…
The Wall Street Journal had an excellent article on the current employment changes to existing work structures. Many people have quit their jobs to pursue their own personal businesses, investors…
We are big fans of the Pareto Principle which derives from an observation made by a man named Pareto which noted that 80% of the land in Italy was owned…