Market Update: Sep 2023 SPY, QQQ, XHB Crash Comparisons
It’s time to check in with our SPY, QQQ and XHB crash comparisons. first up SPY: SPY is starting to crack again with a downtrend for most of September. The…
It’s time to check in with our SPY, QQQ and XHB crash comparisons. first up SPY: SPY is starting to crack again with a downtrend for most of September. The…
We’re not big fans of investing in retail stores since most of the things we buy are delivered through Amazon, Instacart or other delivery services but the bloodbath with Target…
The Federal Reserve of Dallas noted that Mexico has overtaken China as the largest trading partner and with China’ deteriorating demographics, recent spat with Apple and de-globalization & re-shoring is…
In January of 1980, gold hit a peak of $830/oz and as of August 2023, the last price of gold was listed at $1915/oz so is that a good return?…
September tends to be one of the most volatile months for the stock market so let’s take a snapshot of where we are today. First up SPY, we are down…
It’s time to do a review of the crash comparisons we’ve been tracking for SPY, QQQ and XHB. Here is where we are: SPY has only had a 6.64 percent…
The best investment right now for a variety of reasons seems to be short term T-bills. With all T-bills at a year or under paying above 5 percent interest rate…
Both CNBC and the Wall Street Journal have articles highlighting China’s demographic problem and what it means to the global community. From CNBC: China is facing a demographic problem and…
It’s summer and team members at the Econonaut decided to take some time off so we halted posting a articles but some of us are back and we come with…
It’s time to do our mid-month review of our crash comparisons. The SPY ETF is only 5.86 percent down from it’s post-COVID peak and it’s remarkable considering the Federal Reserve…